dizziness, headache, unbalanced, blurry eyesight, dying, loss of memory and more
You can get Cirrhosis or even different cancers from excessive drinking in long term effects of consumption.
Your co-workers become very attractive-looking.
There are no known side effects related to drinking tea for weight loss. Drinking tea is very beneficial for you.
There is no side effects of drinking milk after having fish. In some countries, people believe that drinking milk after eating fish will cause a skin disorder. This is simply not true.
drinking areas...
It is not true.
There are many hazards of drinking and many sites that discuss some or all of them. Mothers against drunk driving is a good place to start. Also check out the CDC for specifics on the health effects of drinking.
Drinking alcohol does several things to a person. The alcohol can have dire effects on a persons brains and ability to function. Alcohol can also make some people gain weight.
The effects of drinking spirits or "hard liquor" are the same as for drinking beer and wine. If consumed regularly and in moderation, alcohol promotes good health and greater longevity. They are associated with negative effects if abused.
Burning your tounge,