You can say every time you look into her amazing eyes you get lost and can't find your way out tell her she's an angel tell her how much you love her every day and I bet if you say something from the heart she will love it
Some cute things are when she is sick, she throws up on you, when she is clumsy and steps on your feet, when she has a big booger in her nose and doesn't know. Pretty much all the dorky things! :)
Some sweet text messages to send to your girlfriend include telling her she is beautiful. Tell her the things you like about her or perhaps simply tell her you love her.
that's just how things are...some things are sweet, some are bitter
Depends on the girl... Some girls are tough and will hate it, Some girls are sweet and cute and will like it and will love you for it :)
She has some magic for interesting on her,,that make her so cute an sweet
I'm sure there are people who do love her. She is very sweet and cute.
baby, babygirl, angel, cupcake, sweetheart, babe, princess, sugercube,
Hit her.
Send her a note that you are thinking of her, write a piece talking about the qualities you like in her, tell her nice things. If she enjoys humor, you could send her some links for funny things, if she likes other educational subjects you could send her interesting sites about the topics.
He doesn't car about you. He just want to get in your pants. I'm a guy, I know.
There are taste buds on your tongue that differentiate between sweet and sour or bitter.
It depends on the hamster, some are nice and cute, while others can be mean and bite.