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There are many faces you can make on facebook such as:

= happy face

:( = sad face

B) = dude with sunglasses

(^^^) = Shark

:|] = Robot

O = angel

>:( = mad face

:putnam: = Justin Bieber

:/ = unsure face

:'( = crying face

:* = kissing face

:p = tongue face

:42: = red 42 in a box

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13y ago

:) :( :o >.< :* ;) <3 :3 >:( >:o :D :-D :p :-p o:) :-) :-( :o :-o 8) 8-) 8D 8-D B) B-D :42: (^^^) <(") O.o :\ :/ >:-( >:-o :'( :'-( :putnam: [[justinbieber]] -_- :|]

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here are lots of them! :) :( :$ :^) :^( *_* -_- :&gt; :&lt; :@ :P ":" :^&amp; :&amp; :% :! :-) :-( these are some of them but there are more!

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:-X that means your lips are sipped :-p stick out your tongue :-$ money coming out of your mouth.

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liking your own statuses

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How do you do smiely faces on facebook?

:) :( :d :/ :@ -_- &lt;3 =) =( =d ;) :s You can't spell F&uuml;hrer without &uuml; and maybe someone will be able to make a smiley face out of this some day, :})

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Mafia wars,Farmville and Cityville are some of the best ones.

What are some cool websites like facebook?

Twitter,MySpace,Well those are the most popular.

How do you make faces on poptropica?

on of them is :mr green: some: :) :(

How do you do cool smileys on Facebook?

I did some googling and found this website . Hope this helps.