Nowadays there are a lot of lenders that offer visa credit cards. Varying in credit limit depending on your personal credit score. Usually the best terms for a credit card comes from your own bank, however an increasing number of supermarkets are now offering visa cards, such as Sainsburys and Tesco.
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There are several companies that offer credit cards for small businesses. They are Capital One, American Express, and also Visa has credit cards available.
Companies that offer business credit cards include MasterCard, Visa, Citibank, American Express, and Capital One. You can apply for a business credit card online at these companies' websites.
There are many companies that offer low interest credit cards. Some include Visa, Capital One, the Pentagon Federal Credit Union, Chase, and CitiBank.
"Many companies offer Visa and Mastercard Platinum level cards. Some of them are: American Express (own card, not a Visa/Mastercard), Citi, Capital One, and Chase."
There are a few companies that offer instant approval Visa credit cards. Some of these companies are 'Barclaycard', 'Tesco Bank', 'Nationwide' and 'Natwest'.