A less than healthy diet has been pinpointed as one of the causes for high triglycerides. You also need to ensure that you get regular exercise and sleep to help avoid this.
Things that cause high triglycerides could be from the activities that you do and the diet that you are on at the moment. Make sure to consult your doctor for health reasons.
For some facts about a high triglycerides diet, try www.high-triglycerides.com. They have some facts and information about a high triglycerides diet.
Triglycerides are a type of fat in your body used for energy. You need some for good health, but a high amount puts you at risk for heart disease. A high triglyceride level is normally above 200.
Some foods that help lower triglycerides are peanut butter and salmon. Foods high in saturated fat and trans fat contribute to higher triglycerides, so it is best to replace them with healthier options.
Triglycerides are carried in foods that are high in fat. In order to lower your triglyceride intake eat foods that have low fats or eat "heart smart" foods.
High Triglycerides go hand-in-hand with high cholesterol. High cholesterol is known to be linked to heart diseases and heart attacks. With the increase of triglycerides (bad cholesterol), you run a greater risk of heart problems.
Including more fruit and vegetables in the diet can reduce the levels of triglycerides in the blood. oatmeal, cinnamon and fish also contain triglyceride-lowering properties.
It can often be challenging to find the best triglycerides diet. However, by learning to utilize some specific instructions and ideas, it should be possible to implement a triglycerides diet in no time at all. The goal of any triglycerides diet should be to reduce the total level of triglycerides in your body. Triglycerides can lead to high cholesterol, which can cause a host of problems such as high blood pressure and heart disease. Make an effort to eat more grain products and stay away from junk food or greasy food containing a lot of oil or fat.
What are Triglycerides?Triglycerides are the amount of fat that is found in the bloodstream. They are measured in mg/dl. A normal triglyceride level is less than 150 mg/dl. A borderline high triglyceride level is between 150-199. High triglycerides are anything that is above 200 mg/dl. Experts recommend getting one's triglyceride level checked at least once every five years.What are some of the health risks associated with high triglycerides?People who have high triglycerides are at an increased for developing heart disease. Heart disease kills more men and women each year than any other health condition. Additionally, having high triglycerides may also make a person more susceptible to type II diabetes.Who is at risk for developing high triglycerides?Obesity, kidney disease and a diet that is high in saturated fat all put a person at risk for developing high triglycerides. Certain medications such as Beta Blockers and birth control pills can also raise a person's triglyceride levels. It is also important to note that high triglycerides can run in families.What can a person do to lower his triglyceride level?There are many things that can be done to lower one's triglyceride level. Limiting the amount of fat and sugar in one's diet and getting exercise daily can help lower a person's triglyceride level. Because this condition is more common in those who are obese, it is very important to lose weight if one is obese. Many patients can lower their triglyceride levels by losing as little as 10 to fifteen pounds. Some patients will not respond to lifestyle changes and have to take medication. Fibrates and Statins are two of the most popular classes of medication that are used to treat high triglycerides.How can high triglycerides be prevented?Exercising on a daily basis and eating a well-balanced diet can help keep a person's triglycerides at a healthy level. Alcohol has a tendency to raise triglycerides. For that reason, people should limit their intake of alcohol or avoid it completely.
Triglycerides is what the fat in the human blood stream is called. One can lower the levels effectively by exercising and having a healthy diet. Too high levels of triglycerides are linked with risk of heart disease, so make sure you are in the normal range. Ask a doctor for further assistance.
High MCV, high triglycerides, high AST and ALT with raised lymphocytes most likely indicates some form of hepatitis (liver inflammation), most likely viral, possibly bacterial. AST and ALT are enzymes that normally reside in liver cells and when they are damaged, they leak into the blood. High MCV also known as macrocytosis can occur in liver damage and the high lymphocyte count indicates your body is fighting some sort of infection.
Triglycerides are in all food that has oil or fat in it. Having too many triglycerides in your blood stream can put you at risk for hypertension, stroke, heart attack, or heart disease. If you want to avoid triglycerides, try steering clear of fried food and animal products.