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  1. He stares at you from across the room; not in a mean way. He doesn't glare at you or just stare blankly, but he examines you, sort of. If he is the shy type, he'll look away if you catch him, but if he's not shy, he might wave at you, smirk and look away, do a funny face, or who knows what else!
  2. He comes up with excuses to be around you, or he just starts talking to you out of the blue just because he wants to. He might ask you to do a lot of stuff with him. He wants you to pay attention to him.
  3. He is friendly to you. He isn't mean to you on purpose. If he is, than he would be just kidding. You can just tell that he wants you to like him or at least pay attention to him. He might do or say really weird stuff to get attention. If he's on speaking terms with you, he might compliment you on things like your hair or he might say you're good at something. Who knows?
  4. He might try to help you when it's apparent that you need help. Like I said, he'll try to make you like him.
  5. He might try a bunch of stuff to make you impressed with him, like, totally show off with whatever he's good at. Even if he's not good at something he might still try to show off with it.
Other signs he might like you:
  • 1. He stares at you all the time.

    2. When you are around he becomes more polite.

    3. He is nice to your friends

    4. He will ask for your phone number or text or email address.

    5. If he' left you a message or the moment you log on he will say hey.

    6. He will barely text you even if he has your number ( if he is a shy guy ).

    7. He will ask you out

    8. He will raise his eyebrows if he sees you ( if only for a second ).

    9. He will always help you.

    10. He will try make you laugh.

    11. He will apologize a lot.

    12. He will always try to make you feel better.

    13. If you flirt with him, he will flirt back.

    14. He will remember things others will have forgotten.

    15. You always bump into him.

  • One way is when your walking and your eyes meet and he gazes.
  • He stares at you all the time but when you look he turns away
  • He always wants to be near you
  • He becomes jealous if you're with a guy
  • He knows where your classes are and when they are
  • Tries hard to be around you
  • Talks to you a ton
  • Pays full attention to you when you are speaking a/o in a group
  • One thing would be him doing absolutely anything to get your attention.
  • He stares at you constantly in hopes that you will look at him, or maybe just to look at you.
  • He asks you the most random question that, may at times, have nothing to do with anything.
  • The guy could just do anything to be around you, make any excuse to stand beside you, even, which relates back to getting you attention.
  • If he touches you. A 'casual' arm around the shoulder/waist. Touching your hands or your face, or brushing your hair from your eyes.
  • The most obvious to look for is just simply the way he looks at you. I like that one where a guy that really likes you looks at you all the time like he's never seen you before.
A guy's opinion:A lot of guys get really nervous around girls if they dont know what to say or how to act, unless they are real hotshots, but yea, whenever a guy is around a girl he likes, he will usally do:

1. Act nervous or try to find some good reason to divert his attention

2. He may talk to you, be seems to be stammering a lot

3. He may act really dumb with other guys, like doing things only guys would do, but when you come around he usually shuts his mouth and/or shapes up

4. You may see him fiddling with his jacket if he's wearing one, like trying to brush it off, that means he wants to look nice in front of you

5. You might see him staring at you with some kinda odd look in his eyes, he is either a.) staring at you dreamily or b.) daydreaming

6. He tries to figure out if you're on an online website like Facebook or MySpace, or get your phone number, guys can say what they want to say more easier online or over the phone because he isn't facing you.

1. He stares at you all the time.

2. When you are around he Becomes more polite.

3. He is nice to your friends

4. He will ask for your Phone number or MSN

5. If he has your MSN the moment you log on he will say hey.

6. He will barley text you even if he has your number. ( if he is a shy guy )

7. He will ask you out

8. He will raise his eybrows if he sees you ( if only for a second. )

9. He will always help you

10. he will always make you laugh

11. Apolagises alot

12. always trys to make you feel better

13. if you flirt with him he will flirt back

14. Will remember things others will have forgotten

15. You always bump into him
If a guy likes you, he will look and try to touch you a lot, offers to help with anything you need and tends to lean towards you when standing near.

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Q: What are signs that a guy likes you?
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he will flirt with you and give you signs that he likes you .. :D

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Well has he given you any signs of you thinking he likes you?

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he would be constantly looking at you

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There are many possible signs that a guy likes you back more than as just friends. One easy way to find out is to simply ask him.

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he will folo u

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first of all, dont ask the guy if he likes you! look for clues or signs! see if he is trying to give you clues.

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when a guy likes you, he stares at you everyday and when you look at him, he looks away. Or if you talk or sit next to him, he will get sweaty. :)

How do you be close to a guy you like?

make a nice conversation.flirt a him for signs that he likes.

Signs a guy that likes you is happy to see you?

well when he starts to flirt with you or smiles at you.

Signs a guy likes you while watching a movie at his house?

Signs a guy likes you while watching a movie are trying to put his arm around you, snuggling, playful jestures, our trying to like hold your hand in the popcorn bucket.