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Girls are confusing. Some girls run in the opposite direction when they like a boy while others stay close by his side, looking for any opportunity to interact or get close to him. Some major signs a girl likes you are flirting, shyness, stuttering, politeness, eye contact, trying to be near you and secretive smiles.

  • Does she go out of her way for you- even when she thinks you don't notice? Stand up and adjust her posture for you? If yes to any of these, she might like you.
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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

She may play with her hair or hold eye contact over a crowded bar. If she smiles at you, go over and introduce yourself, and avoid cheesy chat-up lines.

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Q: What are signs a girl likes you?
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You ahould just ask him if le likes you or not. Do not be afraid.