the amount of time of the day a buisness is open, so if macaroni grill is open from 9am to 6pm, it would be open 9 buiness hours
"The service hours for Fields BMW are:
The operating hours and days of service for our taxi service in Orangeville are as follows: Monday to Thursday: 24 hours Friday to Sunday: 24 hours We strive to provide around-the-clock service to accommodate our customers' needs at any time of the day or night.
A typical Pentecostal service is 2 hours.
24 Hours Ambulance Service in Dhaka
Do the service as the court or its agency directs,
form_title=Set up After Hours Answering Services form_header=If you receive a lot of customers after normal business hours, an answering service can help you keep up with the load. What type of business is it:=_ Do you do service calls after hours?= () Yes () No What do you expect from answering services?=_
The duration of Kiki's Delivery Service is 1.7 hours.
== ==
The duration of On Secret Service is 1.48 hours.
At Your Service Appliance Repair's hours vary depending on which store is contacted. In general, their hours are from 7 am to 6 pm on the weekdays and 7 am to 5 pm on the weekends.
The service hours depend on the church but i know that at most churches Sunday school starts at 10 and the service starts at 11
The duration of Holt of the Secret Service is 4.63 hours.