Notebook laptops are also called as laptop computers or portable computers it can be used in different environments.
DIMM is also called a RAM stick, its a kind of circuit board used for our personal computers and laptops.
You can purchase these laptops at the Alienware, Dell, Amazon, or Nextag web pages. They can also be purchased at a store called Sam's Club.
Ubuntu 10.04 is the latest version. This version works well with laptops and desktops. Ubuntu also has a version for netbooks (Sub-laptops) This version is called the ubuntu netbook remix
Children's laptops that have been made include VTech laptops and also laptops found at Toys R Us. You can also find children's laptops at Toshiba and Best Buy.
Yes, Argos sells laptops and also computers
MSI laptops are the perfect laptops for gamers. They have great gamer chips and very high resolution screens. The screens are also very large, which is an advantage to other laptops.
There are not any Extreme Laptops. There are fast laptops and different laptops that offer a high amount of memory. They are also dual processor laptops that are faster.
There are several "colorful" Dell laptops. Go to Dell's website to learn more.
A website called CNET made a review of what they kind are the top 5 best laptops and where to get them. For more information on this, visit:
When it comes to laptops there are a vast amount of them. I used a website called PCWorld to find the top rated laptops. Then I used a website called tigerdirect, newegg and G-shopping to compare prices. They ranged from 900$ to 1300$
Most modern laptops use USB (Universal Serial Bus) connectors for external keyboards.