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"homosexual acts" is the term that homophobes and other bigots use to describe gay sexual intimacy, but they also sometimes use this term to describe every single aspect of an openly gay person's life, such as holding hands in public or going to the post office.

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Q: What are homosexual acts?
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Is brady corbet gay?

He's not homosexual.

Is Johnny Depp a puff?

If, by puff, you mean homosexual, then the answer is no.

Some famous fads today?

Being a homosexual.

Is dan pham smart?

no he is the homosexual stupidassed people

Has Norman Bridwell won any awards?

no hes homosexual

Related questions

Is it illegal to be gay in Egypt?

Yes.Technically, only homosexual acts are illegal, but if a person is suspected of being gay, they can be prosecuted even if no homosexual acts occurred.

What are the diseases gotten from homosexualism?

There are no diseases you can get through homosexual acts that you can't get through heterosexual acts

Does the Qur'an prohibit same-sex marriage?

No. However, the Qur'an actively prohibits homosexual behavior by associating it with the people of Sodom and Gommorah who were righteously destroyed (see Qur'an 7:80-84). Therefore, while same-sex marriage is not explicitly prohibited, homosexual acts are prohibited. If homosexual acts are prohibited, then necessarily any recognition of sacredness for those homosexual acts (like marriage) is wholly out of the question.

Was Homosexuality in England ever a Capital Offense?

Homosexual acts were a capital offence until 1861.

Why do people go to jail if they were gay?

Homosexual acts were against the law. They still are in some countries.

Did they burn gays in roman times?

No. In fact, many Romans participated in homosexual acts, such as sports teams participating in sexual acts together as a means of helping the team bond.

Why is people homo sexuale.?

The vast majority of people who are homosexuals are that way because they were born that way. Most heterosexuals would not choose to commit homosexual acts, therefore, most homosexuals are that way because they were born homosexual.

What was Thomas Merton's stance on homosexuality?

He was a Catholic monk and therefore adhered to the teachings of the Church.The Church regards homosexual attraction as a very heavy cross to bear.It regards homosexual acts though, as gravely disordered and intrinsically evil.

When was it illegal to be gay in England?

Homosexual acts were illegal in England until the Sexual Offences Act of 1967 decriminalized consensual acts between men over 21 in private. The age was later lowered to 18 in 1994 and then to 16 in 2000.

How did the Nazis decide who was gay?

1. Convictions by courts for what was termed at the time "homosexual acts." 2. Gossip and rumour. 3. Mental instititutions

Are gay priests accepted in the Orthodox Church?

Priests who are partake in homosexual acts are not accepted in the Orthodox Church, but gay priests who do not partake in sexual acts are accepted, depending on their bishop, as he is the one who authorises and conducts the ordination of priests. The Orthodox Church does not judge persons who are homosexual as being wrong or evil in any way, but it treats any sexual acts outside of marriage as unlawful, according to the Bible. This applies to heterosexual acts as well, such as fornication and adultery. So a heterosexual priest who indulges in sexual acts outside of marriage would also not be accepted in the Orthodox Church.

What was life like for gay people in Germany and Austria before the Nazis came into power?

In Germany the position was that the authorities were tolerant. Homosexual acts were illegal, but the law was not enforced and there was a committee looking (slowly) into the case for legalizing homosexual acts between consenting consenting adults. Then the Nazis came to power and drastically increased the penalties. I don't know about the position in Austria.