Most lkely, none. Implantation taakes place in the first week after conception, and hormone levels begin rising, but there really isn't much a woman can detect.
At 1 week pregnant, there are no symptoms.
There are no signs after one week.
Signs of pregnancy are the same in all patients. A missing period and positive pregnancy tests are signs of pregnancy.
Can you have pregnancy symptoms in first week after having sex
Sudden Felling of harmony
i am pretty sure that you can have sign during any duration of pregnancy!
Early signs of pregnancy: #1Missed PeriodEarly signs of pregnancy: #2Just "Feeling" PregnantEarly signs of pregnancy: #3Breast TendernessEarly signs of pregnancy: #4FatigueEarly signs of pregnancy: #5Frequent UrinationEarly signs of pregnancy: #6NauseaEarly signs of pregnancy: #7Dizziness and/or FaintingEarly signs of pregnancy: #8Food Cravings, or Aversions to FoodsEarly signs of pregnancy: #9Sensitivity to AromasEarly signs of pregnancy: #10Morning SicknessEarly signs of pregnancy: #11Heartburn and/or ConstipationEarly signs of pregnancy: #12Mood Swings and IrritabilityEarly signs of pregnancy: #13Higher body temperatureEarly signs of pregnancy: #14Low Back PainEarly signs of pregnancy: #15Implantation BleedingEarly signs of pregnancy: #16A Positive Pregnancy TestEarly signs of pregnancy symptoms: #17Bloating and Weight Gain
1 hour
Your symptoms of pregnancy will usually appear anywhere from the first week of your expected period to 1-2 weeks after your first week of expected period. Your first signs of pregnancy most commonly include: * missed period * tender/swollen breasts * change in color of the breasts * fatigue Here is a link to a website that will calculate the probability of your pregnancy:
If you are not pregnant, yes.
No it will take at least 2 weeks and usually more then that.