the answer is the question. your question is a random question so there you go.
Why do we have to breath
asks him whats his gpa
To ask questions to someone and to study the information. Does that help?
Good questions to ask about Seedless Plants could include: - what are the differences between seedless and seeded plants? - Do seedless plants have better nutritional value than seeded plants? - Why do certain plants contain seeds?
Ask questions.
Why do we have to breath
Mostly by random people asking questions and other random people answering them. Some random people have good information and give good answers, other random people have valueless information and give junk answers. Some random people ask totally indecipherable questions that nobody can answer.
family feud
Heres a good one; What war were you fighting in?
Because you can answer and ask random questions
people get bored
Because it is a site where people answer the random questions of other people.. Simple enough.
The only questions you cannot ask on this website are ones which are:asking how to do something illegalasking how to link to pornographycyberbullying questions and commentsquestions trying to sell thingsquestions that give out someone's personal information or ask for itquestions that are asking for exam cheatsquestions with no purpose except to try to start a fight or to insult someone
some people just ask random questions but this is rather funny :)
just talk with her and ask her random questions.
Ask the simple question :"Why are you a Republican?" See if they even know why. I love to do that.
the most random way ask someone out is to say "will you go out with me" backwards lik 'me with out go you will" and they will definitly like you, (this has been tested)