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Maybe about his past. If he went to a different school? Where he lived? Where he would like to live? If he could be the best (world champ) at one thing only, what would it be? Country, city or beach? Why he likes you?

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Q: What are good questions to ask your boyfriend when playing 20 questions?
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What are good questions to ask your boyfriend in a Q?

"Does it annoy you when I ask you pointless questions?" would be favorite.

What are good questions to ask your boyfriend?

1.Ask what hes interested. 2.What he'll do with you. 3.What he likes. 4.What hes doing tomorrow. 5.Just ask stuff like that.

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Questions you should ask is why does he want to harm your ex.

What kind of questions should be asked towards your boyfriend?

You could ask him questions such as: Does he love you? What does he think about you? What does he dream about?

How do you find out random things about your boyfriend?

I suggest playing the question game. 1. you ask him a question 2. he answers and then asks you one 3. you answer Repeat these steps until you run out of questions.

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the answer is not to have a boyfriend ever haha just be careful out there.

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some good questions would be to ask are what was the material made out of

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Never ask him just follow him and Ask questions But not misleading ones e.g do you love me

Why does my mom ask so many questions compared to when I was little?

because when you were younger you didn't have a boyfriend, and she didn't care if you did because if you did you were too young to know what to do with a boyfriend. Also if she asked you a lot of questions when you were younger you wouldn't have understood what she was talking. Now that you are older she can ask you questions and you will actually understand what she is talking about.

What kind of questions can you ask your friend?

do u like my boyfriend? are u jealous of me?

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Ask questions you would usually ask to anyone else in the world.

What are some questions a girl can ask her boyfriend just to show him that she cares?

you can ask him how he has been since the last time you saw him or how his family is