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go to her tell her stop being a sissy flurting doesn't help it actually screws it up

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Q: What are good complements for girls?
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How do guys like for girls to talk to them?

give them complements, then they'll feel good about themselves.

Price of substitutes and complements vs price of commodities?

Relationship of good price to price of substitutes and complements: 1) Substitutes: as the price of substitutes for a good falls, the price of a good must fall in order to maintain demand. 2) Complements: as the price of complements falls, the price of a good can increase and still maintain the same level of demand.

What is a good example of how to effectively incorporate keyword complements into a question?

A good example of incorporating keyword complements into a question is asking, "What are the benefits of using keyword complements in search engine optimization?" This question effectively includes the keyword "keyword complements" while also prompting a discussion on their advantages.

What is the difference between gross complements and net complements?

Gross complements refer to the total number of complements, while net complements are the complements left after subtracting any duplicates or overlaps.

What does it mean if you are just good friends and he keeps giving complements?

He likes you

How price of related goods affect demand?

Price of related goods fall into two categories: substitutes and complements. Complements are when a price decrease in one good increases the demand of another good. Substitutes are when a price decrease in one good decreases the demand for another good.

Branches and websites of banks substitutes or complements?


Why would my girlfriend say I compliment her to much?

as a girl there are some girls that would take more complements but if it a everyday thing then us girls get overwhelemed inless we ask a close friend that can help with fasion

What is the rule for chossing a garnish for soups?

Why does there have to be a rule. - Anything that looks attractive and complements the taste is good.

Does Nick Jonas has a romantic side?

Absolutely! :) Nick once did an interview where they talked about romance skills. Nick said that Kevin's is giving gifts, Joe's is giving complements and Nick said he hasn't figured his out yet but wants girls to feel special when he talks to them. He said likes girls who can have good conversations but that he definitely likes to be romantic.

What is the kind of complements?

Complements can be divided into two main types: subject complements and object complements. Subject complements follow a linking verb and provide additional information about the subject. Object complements follow a direct object and provide additional information about the object.

What is the difference between gross complements and net complements in economics?
