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  1. Geezer
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Q: What are funny names for old guys?
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What are some old grandma names?

Some old grandma names are Breanna Dailey Amanda Obiren Kara kerrdevyn gill Mr.Simmons Cara Eggertgrandmanannyfartface and some other ones are avalible like elinoreand fransicJordan neffpoopyou know the grandma names they are great name your grandma/grandpa one of these names today!!!!AnswerSome Great Grandma names are Breanna Dailey Amanda Obrien Devyn Gill Kara Kerr Cara Eggert Carol Mr. Simmons Mr.Vogty Mrs.Cutey Jordan neff elinore Francis oldfart susen Patt patt my grandma Irgine Car Oil... these are some great grandma/grandpa namesname your grandpa or grandma one of these names today :D

What are some funny grandma terms?

Some funny grandma terms include "grammy," "nana," "mimi," and "glamma." These terms are often used as endearing nicknames for grandmothers.

What are the alternate names for grandma?

Some alternate names for grandma include Nana, Grammy, Mimi, and Oma.

Is 120 over 70 normal for an 83 year old man?

A blood pressure reading of 120/70 is considered normal for an 83-year-old man. It indicates that his blood pressure is within a healthy range. It's important for him to continue monitoring his blood pressure regularly.

Is it normal for a 13 year old boy to have a beard?

It is not typical for a 13-year-old boy to have a full beard. Most boys at that age are still in the early stages of puberty and may only have some light facial hair starting to develop. If a 13-year-old has a full beard, it could be due to genetics or a hormonal imbalance, and it would be best to consult a healthcare provider for further evaluation.

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What do 12 year old guys like in a girl?

12 year old guys like girls who are funny, pretty, and realize that guys have feelings too.

Do twelve year old boys like funny twelve year old girls?

i think all guys like funny girls.

What were the names of Hollywood undead guys who beat up deuce?

Funny man and J-Dog ~HU4L~

What do 20 year old boy likes?

All guys like girls who are nice and funny

What are the names of the guys in Hollywood undead?

Duece (replaced by Danny) Charlie Scene Da Kurlzz JDog Funny man Jonny3tears

Why do Indiarners have so funny names?

Indians don't have funny names. European people think Indians have funny names but Indians think Europeans have funny names. I am a Indian.

Are you guys funny?


How old are the guys from Hollywood Undead and what are their real names?

Matt = Da Kurlzz - 25 George = Johnny 3 Tears - 22 Jordan= Charlie Scene - 20 Dylan = Funny Man - 25 Jorel= J-dog - 24

Why do people sometimes have funny names?

people have funny names because of their parents

How do you use guys in a sentence?

You guys are too funny! Guys and gals get together and party together.

hi guys im new?

guys that was in 2019 its funny rith???

What do 13 year old girls like in a 13 year old guy?

guys who are sweet. guys that are smooth. guys that are funny. guys who are daring. GUYS THAT ARE CUTE!!!! especially that! guys who are not confusing and don't cause trouble!