Here are a few light-hearted jokes you could share:
Remember, humor is subjective, so always tailor your jokes to the individual you are sharing them with!
If a girl laughs at all your jokes, even when they are not funny, she is flirting with you. If a girl goes out of her way to talk to you, she is flirting with you.
the people there are funny they tell funny jokes and they make funny faces
she will be fidgety when shes talkin to you, she will laugh at all ur jokes even if they're not funny.
You can simply say, "You're really funny! I always enjoy your sense of humor." Or you can express it more casually by laughing at her jokes and saying, "You crack me up, you're hilarious!"
funny bunny
Jokes do not have to be funny. But if they are not funny, they are not really jokes! There are bad jokes and there are good jokes. Good jokes are better. Bad jokes can be embarrassing........It would be interesting if someone could tell us what makes something funny, but there not be an answer to that. You just have to know it when you see it, I guess!
Funny jokes Hey, that's a joke, what are funny jokes called? Funny jokes! that's a joke, too!
One day there was a beautiful girl named Angel. Not only she was a beautiful girl and also she was a very funny girl. sometimes her face will gonna be ugly. And her friend Princess will laugh at her when her face is ugly. When her action is very funny all of her friends will laugh at her.
Please don't tell jokes! You usually mess them up and look stupid. Try saying something that is personally funny, or an inside joke. If she really likes it, whenever she thinks about it, she will think about you.
Funny jokes are the ones that make you laugh!
Perhaps because you don't have a sense of humor. Or because we are not allowed to tell the really good jokes.
Take her to Olive Garden and have jokes prepared to fill in the awkward silences.Only if there funny! (no knock-knock jokes)