1. All guns are always loaded
2. Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy
3. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target
4. Be sure of your target
If you go to the NRA's website, you can find rules for firearm safety. Treat all weapons as if they are loaded Don't let your muzzle cover anything you not willing to destroy Finger off the trigger till you're on target Be aware of your backstop an beyond
1. All guns are always loaded until YOU have checked them yourself 2. Never point a gun at anything you are not willing to destroy 3. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target 4. Be sure of your target, and what is beyond your target
Safety is safety regardless of the weapon type and there are safety lists that vary from 3-10 "rules" Never point a firearm at anything you are not willing to shoot Never pur your finger on a firearm trigger until you are ready to shoot Never fire unless you are sure of your target and backstop Never take your weapon off safe until you are ready to shoot. Never pass a loaded weapon over/under an obsruction
There are several different versions, and number of rules- but a good basic 4 would include: 1. Treat all guns as if they are loaded until YOU have checked it yourself. 2. Never point a gun at anything you do not intend to destroy. 3. Keep your finger straight and off the trigger until ready to shoot. 4. Be sure of your target, and what is beyond your target.
TREAT, NEVER, KEEP,KEEP Treat every weapon as if it were loaded Never point at anything that you do not intend to shoot keep weapon on safe until you are ready to fire keep your finger straight and off the trigger until you intend to fire
You must define what type of firearm you are talking about.
Safety, patient care, resource allocationand priority, and information forresponders and other caregivers.
Sten is a 4-letter word for antique firearm.
There aren't four specific health and safety aspects to field hockey. The correct equipment is the main component, as well as sound knowledge of the rules, suitable weather for the game and playing people of a similar level to yourself.
Load, squeeze trigger.
The safety rules for ambulatory care are set to instruct appropriate decision-making and adherence. The rules are hand hygiene, use of personal protective equipment (such as gloves, gowns and masks), safe handling of possible contaminated equipment, and hygiene/cough etiquette.
It's possible to make a shotgun from common steel plumbing parts. It takes four parts and can not be identified as a firearm when disassembled. So you can throw the parts to the four winds and nobody can charge you with possessing a firearm.