

Best Answer
  • mean
  • selfish
  • evil
  • jealousy
  • daring
  • greed
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Q: What are five personality traits of a antagonist?
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What a the big five personality traits and how do the big five traits predict work behavior?

how do the big five personality traits effect work behavior

What is 10 personality traits of an antagonist?

malevolent, mean, annoying, unkind, hateful, misanthropic

What are the five traits of personality?


What are the five personality traits?


Can you describe the five central traits of personality?

The 5 Central Traits of Personality are Extroversion, Agreeable, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Open to Experience.

What are the Big Five in a personality quiz?

There are five main traits people are looking for when you take a personality quiz. Openness, agreeableness, extroversion, conscientious and neurotic-ism are the most accurate of all traits.

What are the big five personality trait?

Five basic factors into which hundreds of personality traits have been organized: neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness.

What kind of traits are used by psychologist to help describe personality?

conscientiousness-agreeableness-neuroticism(emotional stability and instability)-openness and extraversion aka " the big five personality traits"

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what are madonnas personality traits

How do the big five traits predict work behaviour?

the big five has found relationships between these personality dimensions and job performance

What personality traits starts with f?

Personality traits that begin with f:fanaticalfascinatingfeerlessfeistyfinickyflamboyantfoolishforgetfulfunny

What are personality traits of Paleontologist?

Personality traits are specific to an individual and not to a profession.