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Some examples of narcotics are opium, morphine, and methadone. Heroin is the most used. For more info, you can read on Majalah Siantar.

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Q: What are examples oh narcotic drugs?
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What is narcotic person?

I think that it is a person that is addicted to narcotic drugs (drugs that make you fall asleep, like morphine).

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Are narcotic illegal drugs?

yes they are

What are the different kinds of narcotics?

Narcotic drugs range from prescription medications, to illegal street drugs. Narcotic drugs include codeine, marijuana, morphine, heroine, and amphetamine.

What are classifications of drugs?

Drugs may divide in many group according their effect on human body and their uses or source 1.narcotic drugs 2. non-narcotic drug 3

Is nabilone a narcotic?

No. Narcotics are drugs that are abused, or have addiction potential. Naloxone is sometimes an ingredient in narcotic preparation, but it alone has no narcotic features.

Are narcotic drugs pain killing drugs?

Narcotics is the name for a catagorie of drugs. Particularly those that come from the poppy plant better known by the name Opiates. Any types of opiate is considered a narcotic. Drugs like opium, heroin, oxyconten, methadone, morphine, are just a few examples of narcotic drugs. Some are synthetic and some natural opiates that have been altered to create different drugs with different affects. As you can see there are some pain killers that are considered to be narcotics. Not all pain killers are narcotics because this depends souly on what they are made with. All narcotic drus are addicting and put you at risk of addiction as well as several other health problems.

Who can have the permission from government to grow narcotic drugs?


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all drugs