When I was a kid, I'm 50 now, we used to feed it to our horses every few weeks. I was told by a wonderful old "horseman" that if you feed tobacco to your horse it would kill internal parasites. According to our vet back then it did indeed kill some of them.
For some kinds of small brain damage in specific parts of the brain, one of the components of tobacco allows the brain to function normally through effective blood flow, whereas the brain damage causing restricted blood flow would cause major confusion and an inability to focus, along with intense memory loss.
Medicines are available which include the specific tobacco component but the processing to eliminate the nicotine makes the costs prohibitive, and will not be covered by Medicare.
So in older patents over 50, where the long term dangers of tobacco are not likely relevant, smoking is an acceptable risk considering the alternative of losing all mental function and complete disability.
No. Unlike cannabis, tobacco has no known uses in modern medicine.
irritability, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, sleep disturbances, and cravings for tobacco.
Japan 82%
The states of Virginia,and maryland
Anyone using it as a cigarette, chew, or snus.
There is a lot of people that uses tobacco but the 1st person that comes to mind is Britney Spears
Virginia ,Tennessee N. Carolina
Cause it's salt and not tobacco.
tobacco causes lung cancer, weed doesn't? weed gets you high tobacco doesn't do anything to your state of mind
Cigarettes and other packaged tobacco products will last for a longer period of time. It will not matter a lot when the tobacco is taken out of its packaging. However, from the moment the seal or packaging is removed, the tobacco will start evaporating small bits of moisture that is contained in the tobacco, causing it to dry. Dry tobacco burns different and might have a different taste.
cotton, indigo and tobacco where very important for tade