A broken family is 2 parents that are divorced, and a child either doesent have he/she doesent have their mother or father. And is very sad about not having their family together. A child might not like there New Stepmom or Stepdad. Its nothing like having together in one house,without arguing or fighting and your kids have to hear whats going on, it might affect how the child is doing in school, the child might have alot on his mind just cant take the fact that his parents have spilt up or just got a divorced, its very hard to see a family like that. Some kids might not tell you whats bothering them but you can always tell that something is goin on. You can tell by there eyes or they're face expression and they might get in a fight at school do something they shouldnt be doing. But it wouldn't be there fought because they have a lot of stuff going on and just can deal with it like some other kids maybe can deal with it. It only goes wrong in your heart. They might evern tell the people at school or maybe the guidance counselor. Thats one thing a guidance counselor could do is guide you through the things your dealing with, maybe but not all the time hide it from your friends or the teacher or the principal. Just tell them how you feel and maybe they will understand.
eariel murchison
For the same reasons that break up families in all other countries.
well, the main cause is a loss of love, when parents lose their love for each other. this is quite a common thing in our days, and there is nothing we can do to stop broken family's, but in most cases.. the broken family's are gradually built back up with trust & love, hope this helped!
what causes broken vains in your face
broken family is that family in which they split up.
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There are many different reasons. Some are lack of tolerance between couples, misunderstandings, desire for a new lifestyle. All these can cause divorce, which sometimes leaves children in a difficult position
broken family declamation
Conclusion of broken family is the separated members. United family has a strong essence and love. But when the family breaks the hopes also break.
five authors releted of broken family
A broken family is one you and the family you were born into break apart. Like let's say your parents die and you are left with a brother and a sister, you would be classified as a broken family. Or if your parents separate or get divorced, then once again you are classified as a broken family.
A broken family is one you and the family you were born into break apart. Like let's say your parents die and you are left with a brother and a sister, you would be classified as a broken family. Or if your parents separate or get divorced, then once again you are classified as a broken family.
A broken family is one where the parents (mother and father) of a child or children have split up and no longer share a single family home as a family unit. This is also known as a broken home.