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former slaves

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Q: What are called men and women who had been slaves?
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How long has segrigation been going on?

forever, no seriously, there has been slaves, and women have been below men for about as long as humans have been around.

What did they do to the Holocaust men?

they were killed like the women and children, though they may have been used as slaves first.

What is the antonym for slave?

the word 'master' could be used to refer to both men and machines. like we have men/women masters and men/women slaves; there are also master machines and slave machines. for instance, in the recording industry, the original cassette/cd is called the master; and the cassettes/cds on which it is copied are called slaves. RAJU

Did slaves work with men and women?


Who are freedmen in history?

men and women who were formerly slaves

What was the role of women in 1930?

be slaves to all of men

What is the name of the men and women who work on a ship?


If a group of women is called a harem what is a group of men called?

The word Harem is Hebrew for forbidden, so the word is not specifying man or woman. It was however used to describe the quarters of women as being Harem or forbidden. The men who had women as slaves, servants, and wives owned them as property so they were also considered Harem property. If you are talking about the collective noun for men and women the word for a group of women is a "gaggle" of women. For men it is a "band" of men.

Were the men and women aboard the slave ship separated?

Yes. Men and women slaves were separated. For what? I don't know why

What were the roles for free men and free women and slaves in Athenian life?

it don't matter if they are men & women that they should have equality.

Why were men slaves more desired than women slaves in the African slave trade?

Because they thought the men would be more useful when it came to physical labor than women.

Were men or women more powerful in the Ancient Athens?

Men- the women werent aloud to participate in the olympics, they were practically the mens slaves.