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They're studs made out of flexible plastic. The ends are usually metal and are pushed into the post instead of screwed in. The plastic is a lot easier on your gums/enamel but they can wear down quickly.

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Q: What are bioplast labret studs?
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What do you do if the inside of my lip grew over your monroe piercing?

Well you need to see your professional body piercer and get a Bioplast Labret stud in the piercing asap. The Bioplast Labret stud is biocompatible plastic with a larger disc designed to prevent over growth.

Where can you find lip aka labret studs that from the outside look like a sparkle?

They are called Bio-Plast labret studs, they are a bio-compatable plastic labret stud.

Where can you buy labret studs from in the UK?

At any piercing parlor.

Is it safe to get a labret lip piercing done with a bioflex bar first off because I hate metal?

Do you mean bioplast?Most piercers will if you ask. Bioplast can be autoclaved so it's fine for initial jewelry.

Just got lip pierced and the piercer used an all plastic stud Is that bad?

Well it's not bad, it's cheap, but it's not bad. Here's the benefits of using bioplast, the piercing will swell for the first 5 days or so, the bioplast should afford you some room during this swelling stage. Once the swelling goes down the bioplast will be too long, at that point you can purchase a proper metal labret stud to replace the bioplast stud. Bioplast was developed for the piercing industry as an alternative to metal studs for the initial piercing allowing the bioplast to be cut to the proper size to allow for swelling. Keep in mind that the bioplast will wear out and will need to be changed down the road, that's when you want to look a properly sized metal stud that won't wear out. I have used bioplast for some piercing that I feel need the extra room due to swelling, so it's not a bad thing.

Can you wear a nose stud in a monroe piercing?

Yes, labret studs are fine for tragus piercings. I wear them all of the time.

What types of jewelry can be used in a tragus piercing for example eyebrow bar tongue bar labret stud can you use these?

Labret studs and any kind of ring are best. You could use an eyebrow bar if you'd like but it can look a bit strange because the ball would point down. Tongue bars are way too long. You could use smaller barbells though, they work just as well as labret studs. Just not the same variety :)

Where is your labret located?

Labret is french for lip

Will a labret piercing affect your teeth?

Yes. The backing will cause enamel and gum erosion. Some piercings "nestle" into the lip and rub against your teeth less but that isn't a guarantee. You can wear bioplast jewelry to decrease the damage instead of wearing metal.. Gum erosion is unnattractive and irreversible so consider that :)

Can you get a vertical labret piercing if you already have your labret pierced?

Yes a vertical labret is on the lip surface to the lip edge, a labret is on the lower lip below the lip edge so having the two should not be an issue.

Can you get bioplastic labret studs when pierced instead of metal studs?

Sure, the only thing is that the threading may strip out easily, unless you go for a slightly more expensive internally threaded stud with a metal screw post. Generally such body jewelry is made of a material called Polytetrafluoroethylene, or more commonly...PTFE.

What is bioplast jewelry?

Bioplast jewelry is jewelry used for body piercings. Bioplast jewelry is made up of different types of plastic. This makes it more compatible than metal for body piercings as some people are allergic to certain metals.