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Medicines that keeps a woman from getting pregnant.

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Q: What are anticonception drugs?
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How soon after stoping anticonception can you get pregnant?

It depents how long have you take them. It can take from 3 months to a year. It took me a year after I stop taking them. Good luck...

What are the importance of chemistry in health and sanitation?

Very important., it is because in the sense that chemistry is the study of composition, properties and reactions in matter especially elements it can help health and sanitation in that through chemistry we can create new substance to improve our sanitizing manner. one typical example is the Alcohol.

If a girl has irregular period how would she know which stage of pregnancy she is on?

If a girl has her period it all she is not pregnant. Irregularities in when the girl starts her period are a natural phenomena. the only way to control is, is by using the anticonception pill, but "the girl" has to see her doctor about that.

What drugs are medical drugs?

Drugs that are prescribed by a doctor are medical drugs.

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drugs, drugs and drugs

What category of drugs is club drugs in?

Hard drugs

What is licit drugs?

Licit drugs are drugs that are legal.

What is a licit and illicit drugs?

illicit drugs are control drugs while licit are drugs that are not control

Should drugs be banned?

no drugs are good drugs rule

What are unproven drugs?

Unproven drugs are drugs that are against the law.

Can drugs cause tremor as a side effect?

These drugs include amphetamines, antidepressant drugs, antipsychotic drugs, caffeine , and lithium.

What are antiemetic drugs?

Drugs that control vomiting are called antiemetic drugs.