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There are no cheats

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Q: What are all the cheats on Fresh Hotel?
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Related questions

Are there any Habbo Hotel cheats?

No, there isn't cheats for Habbo Hotel. You have to buy them as listed, But it depends what kind of cheats your on about. No, there are no such things as cheats you can either buy the creds or furni or do without sorry.

How do you delete your fresh hotel account?

how do i delete fresh hotel account

Are there cheats for hotel giant 2?

Those cheats don't work.

How do you get shells in Fresh Hotel?

You can't get shells on Fresh Hotel, because it is a retro, but a good one.

How do you tag on fresh hotel?

Fresh Hotel keeps taking the tag box out, but I just recently found it again

What is the cheats for hotel 626?

change the time of your computer...

What is a simple cheat to get free Habbo Hotel us coins?

There is no cheats for Habbo, they were all designed to steal someone's password.

Is Fresh-hotel fun?

Yes, it is :) Fresh-hotel is the best habbo retro I played so far :D Add me, FashionDivaX

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Is there any Habbo cheats for Habbo Australia?

"Habbo Hotel" Does not currently have Cheats, as it is a multiplayer game. Hacking is a result in a perminate ban.