the codes are 1212 1211 1334 1434 2124 2234 3134 3234 4213 4214 and for the ultimate weapon 4324. And a tip is buy the card exile beat story mode the play random for lots of money. i got all weapons oh and also for the ultimate card the code is 0000
first 'H' then 't' then '#' with the bottom on it then 'H'.
1212 is one
I have no idea so now u tell me
lego ninjago directors
Yes, you can get Lego Ninjago for the DSi.
Lego Ninjago is already out! Visit the Lego website to view the products! :)
Lego Universe Ninjago deutsch
lego ninjago is much better and cooler than chima
No The Lego Ninjago Movie is not connected to the show.