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Abnormal transitions in stages of sleep may indicate narcolepsy. Reduced air flow and low blood oxygenation, may indicate apnea or hypopnea. Frequent movement of limbs indicates periodic limb movement.

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Q: What are abnormal results for a polysomnography test?
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Urinalysis is a very common diagnostic test. describe and name the possible abnormal results related to this test indicate the disorders that these abnormal results may suggest?

urinalysis is a very common diagnostic test . describe and name the possible abnormal results related to this test. indicate the disorders that these abnormal results may suggest.

What is normal results from a polysomnography test?

A normal result in polysomnography shows normal results for all parameters (EEG, ECG, blood pressure, eye movement, air flow, pulse oximetry, etc.) monitored throughout all stages of sleep.

What is the aftercare of a polysomnography test?

Once the test is over, the monitors are detached from the patient. No special measures need to be taken after polysomnography.

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A positive test in a person with symptoms of an autoimmune or rheumatic disease helps the physician make a diagnosis.

What are the characteristics of an abnormal tilt table test?

Abnormal results include any pathologic reactions to the position changes or sensitivity enhancing techniques, such as the administration of isoproterenol or other related drugs.

What characteristics does an abnormal gastric acid determination have?

Abnormal findings in the basal gastric secretion test are considered nonspecific and must be evaluated in conjunction with the results of a gastric acid stimulation test. Elevated secretion may suggest different types of ulcers.

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Abnormal results for a percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography are enlargement of bile ducts.

What are abnormal results for a partial thromboplastin time test?

Abnormal results are increased levels in those with a bleeding disorder or liver disease. With those taking heparin, low levels indicate the dose is too low, high levels indicate the dose is too high.

Urinalysis is a very common diagnostic test Describe and name the possible abnormal results related to this test Indicate the disorders that these abnormal that these abnormal results may suggest?

Protein and blood in urine normally detect urinary tract infection, treatable with antibiotics. Glucose in urine could be a sign of diabetes, although further diagnostic tests should be done to confirm this (i.e. Blood tests) as high sugar intake before test can give positive result for glucose.

What illnesses can a urine culture detect?

Abnormal results, or a positive test, where bacteria are found in the specimen, may indicate a urinary tract infection.

What characteristics does an abnormal esophageal function test have?

there are many diseases that cause poor relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter. When no cause is found, the disease is called achalasia. Abnormal results of pH tests can confirm symptoms.

Are there any precautions associated with polysomnography?

Polysomnography is extremely safe and no special precautions need to be taken.