Santa has thousands of elves. It would be nearly impossible to list all of Santa's elves' names. Though, we do know that two elves' names are Jingle and Jangle, but there are many more out there.
Presently it is me.
his favourite elf is the sleigh repairman
They are called leutenents
Elf (health) food !
Nick Elert his head elf
Santa has 5 head elf's that change every year so there is no 1 head elf of Santa, so scientists are not sure of which elf is the head elf.
they elf goes back to santas shop to start making toys for next christmas.
Santa dosent have names for his elfs because there two many. santas reindeer have names.
only Santa Claus could answer it or a elf
shelf elf
well i got to go with no because well no body has ever talked about santas elf name grumpy