The Christmas Spruce Tree
Because America is a country that has people of many different cultures in it, and they bring their traditions with them.
of course! just they have different traditions than america.
well in Germany people do the same things we do in America but they do decorate there Christmas trees with candles .
The concept of Christmas came about because many of the Americans of today had their roots in Europe, and naturally they brought their traditions with them.
Christmas is not a Chinese holiday- so there will be a lack of Christmas traditions.
Christmas is not a Chinese holiday- so there will be a lack of Christmas traditions.
Christmas is not a Chinese holiday- so there will be a lack of Christmas traditions.
The main difference between Christmas in France and America is that it is custom to burn a log in your home on Christmas eve in France. There are no other large differences that are noticeable especially in recent years.
Austria decorates their Christmas tree with fruits, nuts and glass ornaments, and they hang up their decorations four Sundays before Christmas.
there is oysters traditions and they have christmas
there is oysters traditions and they have christmas