st. nick
jolly old st. nicholas
st. nicholas
santa clause
chris cringle
santa baby
well there are many names but the most famous are St. Nick, Kris Kringle, Father Christmas, or Santa Claus
The Dutch Sinter Klaas, became the North American Santa Claus.
In Cameroon there are lots of names for Santa Claus: Sinterklaas, Father Christmas, Santa Claus, and Le Père Noël which mean "Father Christmas" in French.
People in Ireland call him Santy, Santa and Santa Claus. Santa Claus comes from Saint Nicholas and can then be shortened to Santa Claus or just Santa or Santy. So people in Ireland use those names, like people in many countries do.
# Santa Clause # Saint Nicholas # Cris Cringle # Santa Claus
Santa's names are:Father ChristmasSantaSanta ClausJolly Good FellowSaint Nicholas
Santa Claus
Where did the American version of Santa Clause receive its inspiration?
they dont exist bcuz santa clause isnt real
3. The Santa Claus, The Santa Claus 2, and The Santa Claus 3: The Escape Claus
Karen was santa Claus wife in santa Claus
No he's in catholic history