As portrayed in his name, Scrooge means a penny pincher, selfish and a miser. He is a money-minded person as he has mentioned Christmas "a time for finding yourself older and not an hour richer." This reflects on Scrooge that money is more essential to one than enjoyment. Scrooge has a tendency on looking down on the poor as he feels that they should badly go off and work in prisons, union workhouses and they do not require money or any forms of donations as the Poor Law is already in full vigour. He feels that the it is better for the poor to die as this would decrease the "surplus population". Scrooge is trying to say here that if the poor die, there would be more richer people as he feels that only the rich are contributing to the society and not the poor. He is self-centered
The three main character traits of Scrooge before Marley's visit are greed, selfishness, and bitterness. He is portrayed as a miserly and cold-hearted individual who values money above all else.
Peles character traist
Character traits include such things as honesty, peacefulness, drunkenness, dependability, courtesy, and so on. And of course, their opposites, such as dishonest - etc.
Character traits are revealed by the actions and description of the character.
The prefix of character traits is "charac-".
The character Scrooge appears in the novella "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens. Scrooge is a central character in the story, evolving from a miserly and selfish man to a generous and kind-hearted individual over the course of the narrative.
Since sugar is not a person, it does not have character traits.
The first name of Scrooge, the principal character in the novel A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, is Ebenezer.
His character traits include determination, will, and kindness.
Ebeneezer Scrooge