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1 Damage to internal organs, including brain cells, and the liver.

2 Accident by falling down stairs, off a balcony, staggering into traffic.

3 Crashing while drink driving.

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Q: What are 3 ways that alcohol intoxication may lead to death?
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What are three ways intoxication can lead to death?

Motor vehicle crashes,alcohols overdose,and interactions of alcohol with other drugs

What are three ways that intoxication can lead to death?

Motor vehicle crashes,alcohols overdose,and interactions of alcohol with other drugs

Why is blood alcohol concentration a more reliable indicator of intoxication than number of drinks consumed?

Alcohol may affect different people in different ways.

How can you get an MIP off your record?

You can get arrested for Minor in Possession of alcohol two ways. The police can find you guilty of MIP if you have alcohol in your possession or possession by intoxication.

What are the death rates for teens while under the influence of alcohol?

3 die in car crashes and 6 die in other ways related to alcohol

How drunk are you at 0.175?

At a Blood-Alcohol Concentration (BAC) of 0.175, you are pretty drunk; certainly far too drunk to drive. However, alcohol affects different people in different ways. Some people will display few symptoms of intoxication at 0.175, while others would be passed out and sick.

What could lead to the death of butterflies?

The death of butterflies could lead to many ways: 1. When they are just caterpillars there are many predators such as humans. 2. When there metamorphises goes wrong. 3. If you step on it

In what ways might alcohol slow down business production?

Alcohol can decrease productivity in a business by impairing judgment, coordination, and decision-making abilities in employees. It can lead to mistakes, accidents, absenteeism, and a decrease in motivation and focus, all of which can slow down business production. Additionally, alcohol-related issues may lead to interpersonal conflicts, which can further disrupt workflow.

How did the Nazi's kill the Jews at concentration camps?

In concentration camps the main causes of death were disease and starvation, exhaustion would lead to death in a variety of ways, the most likely being beaten to death. Or they would be sent to a death camp and gassed.

I am 17 is drinking whiskey and smoking cigarettes alright?

No it is not alright. Smoking can very well lead to lung cancer or emphysema which are horrible ways to die. Drinking alcohol is illegal and can lead to liver failure, poor judgement, DWI, DUI, death, etc.. Either way you are on a destructive path. I advise that you change your ways or at least seek help in a support group. The fact that you asked shows that you already have an idea that what you are doing is wrong. That's your conscience speaking. Listen to it.

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