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1. It rejected the notion that human beings have equal inherent value.

2. The conditions of most slaves were awful.

3 It removed a lot of potential from society by categorizing a segment of the popluation as nothing more than manual labour.

These answers, of course, are based on the slavery in the United States and Europe prior to the civil war. The Ancient Greeks and Romans had slavery and slavery still exists (in various forms) around the world today. In my opinion, there are practically an unlimited number of answers to your question. Unfortunately, like my answers, they are all based on some form of belief that cannot be rationally justified. My first answer best demonstrates this. Western society currently (and in general) believes that every person is a person and has value apart from any skills or abilities they may have. This is based on religious doctrines for some and on liberal idealism for others. It is not a fact like gravity or the sun. You either believe that people have some kind of inherent value or you do not. My first answer also is assumed in my second answer. The fact that living conditions were aweful is only important if you already believe that there is something wrong with treating people that way. My third answer is more practical. Human beings have great potential. This may or may not be true for all human beings and I am not going to debate that, but, for most human beings, there is enormous potential in all of us. Maybe it is just the potential to make like easier for one other person or maybe it is the potential to cure cancer. By limiting the potential of any human being, we limit the potential for human beings as a whole. Of course, there could also be negative effects from this. Maybe we avoided a terrible mass murderer because he was a slave and had his potential taken from him. However, history suggests that the number of people who will do something positive is greater than the number who will do something negative and so, by having slaves, and treating them as they were, that is, by keeping them illiterate, regulating their activity and removing the possibility of them working towards their own goals, we rob society of a valuable resource. On the other hand, the Romans had slaves who were very educated and contributed greatly to society.

In the end there may only be one answer: Because it is wrong to do that to another person. You either believe that or you do not. There is no way to prove why it is wrong in an absolute sense (is that the reason you want three answers?) but the vast majority of people would agree that slavery is wrong.

But then there is "wage slavery" or just the slavery that occurs when a person has no power to make choices. It is a complicated issue. Still, in addition to believing that it is simply wrong, I believe that, from a practical perspective, it removes people from society in a way that reduces the potential of that society as a whole.

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10mo ago
  1. Slavery deprived individuals of their basic human rights and autonomy, treating them as property rather than as equals.
  2. Slaves were subjected to inhumane living conditions, long hours of labor, and physical abuse, leading to widespread suffering and trauma.
  3. Slavery perpetuated systemic inequalities and discrimination, denying individuals the opportunity for social mobility and economic advancement.
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