You can change your number in your settings. Go to your settings and press phone. Then press my number. You can now change your number.
Actually, their is not a code for this card. The only way to get it is by winning level 20 on the iPhone/ iPod Touch app, once you beat level 20, you enter your username and password into the iPhone/ iPod Touch, and it will add the card to your account. (iPhone/ iPod Touch app called "The 39 Clues: Madrigal Maze)
You can't delete the red numbers because it means the app has some sort of notification. For example if the app store app has a red number on it it means that there is an app that needs to be updated. So the only way to get rid of the number is to check up on the app.
Download Emoji in the App store and symbols will be integrated into your iPhone's keyboard. You can use those symbols on Instagram.
For the first impossible quiz: 7 For the second: Click the 33 For the iPod/iphone app: 7
You buy the iPhone app
You cannot change it, it is it's logo
Songify might be the app your looking for.
there is not app, apple doesn't want people to change the black theme, i think the only why to change it, is to jailbreak the iphone, and install Winterboard.
Yes, there are a number of recipe apps for iPhone, including diabetic recipes. An app called "Diabetic Recipes!" is available for download on for your iphone.
First of all, you have to realize that your iPhone app store password is the same as your iTunes store password. In order to change your app store password, you have to log into iTunes, and an effective way I've found is to activate your account by actually downloading something. The easist thing is for you to do this in iTunes on your computer while the iPhone is hooked up to your computer. Good luck. Hope this makes sense.
You can't change your account to private on the iPhone app. You need to log in to the web version.
Go into the app and then enter your apple id and that should solve the problem
You can't change your password on the Pinterest iPhone app. Log in to the Pinterest website to change your password.
Altough there is no radio application on the iPhone, you can download it. with the "App Store" program in the iPhone, you can download an app that gives you the opportunity for listening to radio.
The app that lets you call or text from someone else's number is called Spoof Call.