The color of your baby's skin has nothing to do with what you eat. It is determined by your genes. If you are white and the daddy is white, your baby will be white. If one of you is not white, your baby will be mixed race. If both of you are non-white, the baby will be whatever race you are.
No. Getting your period means you are not pregnant.
yes of course!!! even if you do have your "monthly juice" you have the chance of getting pregnant.
during pregnancy is it normal to have white pasty discharge cottage cheese looking especially during sexual intercourse
Sometimes, especially if they are pregnant.
During pregnancy, white blood cells do not typically come out. White blood cells are an essential part of the immune system and help the body fight off infections. If you experience any unusual discharge during pregnancy, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider for proper evaluation and treatment.
I'm not sure what you mean by "problem" but typically cervical discharge during ovulation has an "egg-white" consistency.
Some fruits with white seeds include kiwi, dragon fruit, and pomegranate. These fruits have seeds that are typically small and white in color.
Sorry, here is the photo of my fish
It can be. Milky white discharge called leukorrhea is common during pregnancy. You can call your doctor and have them draw blood for a beta hcg. This is the pregnancy hormone and that should tell you if you are pregnant.
You don't have to be pregnant with all of these symptoms, I have these symptoms a lot and I am not pregnant. It's very normal for me but I have some other problems. Consult your doctor if you think your pregnant.
No, it means you are getting ready to ovulate. If you have sex during the time this type of discharge is present, you can become pregnant. Actually, the thick, sticky vaginal discharge you are talking about actually is an indicator that you are a few days from having your period, it is the discharge that usually takes place after ovulation. you can not get pregnant during this time with a normal cycle, you could, however possibly be in the early stages of pregnancy, for this discharge is very common into early pregnancy, and throughout most of it.