You really starts when u get in Middle School. once I got in middle school i thought about dating and kissing but i never did it... I didn't feel right just thinking about it soo..... But I am positive u think about it ages 12 and up........
when Eva you freakin ready,
Niall with a french foreign exchange student
You can kiss a girl from any age!
You could be any age. There is no exact age limit to get your first kiss.
Justin Bieber had his first kiss at the age of 13.
by the age of 13 bad answer here, plenty of people don't get their first kiss until they're well into high school. i had mine at age 14 and i was one of the first in my grade.
Doesn't matter. These days every teen goes for that step after just a few dates.
The average age a girl has her first kiss is between the ages 13-16.
Any time if you feel your ready
My first boyfriend and 17
It is not appropriate for children of that age to engage in activities like French kissing. It is important for them to understand healthy boundaries, consent, and appropriate behavior for their age. It would be advisable for them to speak with a trusted adult about these topics.