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it depends on what size u r like AAA = training Bras AA and A = training bras, b = padded, c and d = underwire. if that helps then ur welcome! if it doesnt then come ask e another question bout this!

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14y ago

It really depends if you have big breasts or not. If you do have big breasts, I really do highly recommend you to wear a padded bra. If you have big breasts and are not wearing a padded bra, people around you may feel uncomfortable and your breast might unshape. If you don't have big breasts, you can wear training bras too. I recommend bras for teenagers who started their puberty which is the ages between 10-16. It's up to you to decide.

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Q: What age should a girl wear a padded bra?
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of course. she is just 11 so let her wear what she wants and be a kid!

Should girls 9 where padded bras?

Once a girl begins to grow breast they should start wearing a training bra. No reason to wear a padded bra because there isn't anyone to try and impress at that age. Not that anyone should ever try to impress anyone with breast size.

When should you wear a padded bra?

There's no age when you 'should' wear a padded bra, if and when you wear a padded bra is up to you. Unless you have large breasts that need the support there's really little need for someone to wear a bra at all, especially if you have smaller breasts.Some girls prefer padded bras as they feel more covered or it can help hide budding and uneven breast size during development. If you feel like you'd be more comfortable in a padded bra then get one, there is no restriction on when you can or can't wear one.

What age should a girl start wearing cami bras?

8 years old becauuse they are padded

12 and flat chested what should you do?

you can wear padded bras, but otherwise just wait there is really nothing you can do at this age OR be happy with what you are

Till what time till girls of age 14 should wear bra?

When a girl should wear a bra is not based on a certain age. She should wear a bra when her breasts start showing.

When should a girl where a bra?

when should a girl wear a bra? u asked at the age of 11 or 12 i would say yw

What should a girl wear age 10?

Clothes suitable for her culture that do not prematurely sexualise her.

Is age 12 and size 32A too young to wear padded under wire bras?

it depends on your parents and your comfort zone

What size bra should a 63 Pound eleven year old girl wear?

It just depends on how big the girls breasts are, I am a girl and I started to wear one at the age of 8 and now I am 11.

What age should a girl should wear deodorant?

The average male should start wearing deodorant about age 13 or 14. Or when puberty hits

What age should a girl be able to wear make up?

At the age her parents deem appropriate for her, or at the age she is mature enough to know what she is doing and the possible outcomes of her actions and accept it responsibly.