I think it should be when you have a 'chest' and you need one. I need to start wearing one and I'm 10.
depends on your age
Around the age 9-13, a girl will get her first bra or training bra.
when should a girl wear a bra? u asked at the age of 11 or 12 i would say yw
When a girl should wear a bra is not based on a certain age. She should wear a bra when her breasts start showing.
you should wear one if your breast are big enough I started wearing a training bra at age 7 to get used to it I actually needed it at age 8 and a half and I started wearing size 36A at age 9 I am now 13 and wear size 38C and my mom says I'm almost ready for a 32D so really any age but defiantly in 6th grade you should start wearing a cup bra I started wearing a training bra at 7. I got my first cup bra at 8. I'm 13 now and I'm a size 36DD. By the end of your 5th grade year you should definatly be wearing a cupped bra.
No wait until they get bigger no use in wearing a bra I say.
There is no age for it. Some women never wear bras. Start wearing a bra when your breasts are becoming to heavy. If you have small breasts you may never need the nasty things. For swimming suits/ nakedness in public places, I would say, start covering it when the breasts become really visible.
Never. The breast tissue needs to rest from the bra and does not feel good if always pressed together.
Once a girl begins to grow breast they should start wearing a training bra. No reason to wear a padded bra because there isn't anyone to try and impress at that age. Not that anyone should ever try to impress anyone with breast size.
One cannot determine when to start wearing a real bra by the girls age, it all depends on weather you need it or not, but usually girls start to wearing training bras/ crop tops underneath their shirts when they are 10-12 years of age, then you start to wear a normal bra when you feel that you need one.
age doesn't matter. some are 8 some are14 be4 the start wearing bras. all my friends and peers where bras but i don't because i don't exactly need one even though im 12 my and my friend are the same age. if you are under 10 or under and need a bra i think you should wear a sports bra they work good and people wont stare at you. if you are 11 or older and need a bra i say go a head a get a cup bra. they start in a super small size and go to super huge. there is no rule when to start wearing a bra in Canada but basically when ever you need one and are comfortable wearing one. if U aren't comfortable wearing 1 but U you need you should wear a sports bra no matter what age u are. a sport bra is very comfortable. Hope this helps! source: experience from a 12 year old
yes any age you can were a bra if your breast are getting bigger and dont fit your sport bra then you need to go up to padded bras hoped i helped