Around the ages of 16-18. Most high school students are the most common to get pregnant. Most don't finish school because of getting pregnant.
Teen age mothers.
teen years
Women in their 20's.
100 per cent
what is the legal age to move out of your parents home without them stoppin you?
most teenagers get pregnant at age 15
A teen pregnancy, when a female under the age of 16 is pregnant. In theory it may not be just a teen as a child as young as 10 could get pregnant but are not as likely to be ready until they are a teen or have had sex until then either.
Maggie Gallagher has written: 'The age of unwed mothers: Is teen pregnancy the problem?'
You can do teen age pregnancy or childhood obesity which is very rampant nowadays.
No. Milk is only produced after pregnancy. If there is something go see the doctor.
Teen pregnancy was very common when women were often married at 15 and 16 years of age, as was the case before about 1900 in western countries. A girl would be married very young, and would have had two or three children by her twentieth birthday. There was then a period of increasing wealth and conservatism, when women married a bit older and had children in their twenties, until about 1965, when the rise of hippie culture, and "free love" started up. Since then teenage pregancy outside of marriage has been common.