children can most likely be affected by alcohol
The Brain
Yes. Blood alcohol is affected by weight not age. Most DUI laws are set at .10 or less. .20 is twice the legal limit to drive.
Ages 12 - 18 yrs old .
No age group is affected; Down syndrome is a chromosome condition that is with you at birth.
those who consume alcohol through out day and is always under the effect of alcohol is affected by Alcoholism
The age limit for most clubs is 21 years of age if the club has alcohol. The age limit for a club that doesn't have alcohol is 18 years of age.
From youth to age 21.AnswerWhat age group is mostly affected by domestic violence?
Judgement is the first thing that gets affected by alcohol.
In most countries, the drinking/serving age is 21.
The most popular age group of people who drink alcohol the most are people on the 20's.
I think the first organ to be affected by alcohol is your liver.