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Ovulation occurs for the first time at different ages, some girls ovulate very young as early as 8 years old others do not ovulate until their teens.

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Q: What age does a girl ovulate?
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What age can a female produce an egg in her overy?

Females are born with all the eggs they will ever have. The process of producing eggs begins before birth, with a female baby born with around 1-2 million eggs in her ovaries. However, these eggs are not fully matured until puberty.

At what age do girls ovulate for the first time?

The average age for a girl to have her first period is 12.8 years. The moment of the first menstruation is however dependent on a lot of factors an may vary from age 10 to 14 .

How soon does a girl ovulate after her period?

on day 14 of your cycle

Is there truely a definitive age limit to egg donating It seems to me that if you ovulate and are in good health that age should not matter. What is the oldest accepted age in for donation in the USA?

Yes there is truly a definitive age limit to a egg donating. If an ovulate and are in a good health does not matter that age to donate an egg. There is an oldest accepted age for donation in the USA is 62.

Can a girl ovulates few days before her periods starts?

Yes, a girl can ovulate a couples of days before her period.

When is the girl likely to get pregnant during her cycle?

A girl is likely to get pregnant during her ovulation period the ovulation period is when the egg is able to be fertilized . It is different for every woman when she is able to ovulate based on the time you get your period online calculators can give you the approximate time you will ovulate .

Does a girl have to nut to release eggs and get pregnant?

A girl will ovulate regardless of whether she has sex. Sex allows the sperm to meet the egg and cause pregnancy.

Will breast pain occur if a girl is pregnant?

Breast tenderness, yes. That usually also occur when you ovulate or get your period.

Can a young girl ovulate without having a period?

yes. i have been for almost 2 years and im 13


Not menstruating due to menopause means you do not ovulate so it's no very likely. See your doctor if it's another reason you do not menstruate and ovulate.

Does a girl have to ovulate to get pregnant?

Yes, because it is only there that she can release an egg and if during ovulation she had an intercourse there is a chance of getting pregnant.

Can a woman ovulate if she is pregnant?

No; a woman will not ovulate if she is pregnant.