Yes, you can have MSN at any age.
For the online service, there is no age limit, so there is probably no age limit for MSN messenger 11 plus.
i don't think their is a age limit
Microsoft does not specify any age limit in their terms and conditions for using MSN.
you don't need to be a certain age to have a msn. its any age at any age you can join msn, but facebook , twitter and myspace are all age limited. but on socail networking sites some people do lie about there age, though you should always be careful who your chatting to online. peace out later. xx
any age
You can be any age.
MSN was founded in 1987 so that would make it 23 years old in 2010.
Yes! you can lie about your age.=)
You can use it at any age.
# threr is no age limit
over 13