If you break the law in Texas as a minor and are subsequently sent to reform school, you will not have to worry about any age requirements to get a tattoo. May I recommend that little tear drop thingie hanging down the corner of your eye. This is a most excellent tattoo. If you don't want to go to prison just to get a tattoo, you might try sitting down with your parents and logically and reasonably advocating your right to get a tattoo. If your parents are smart they will insist on you wearing a temporary tattoo until you are eighteen years old and if at that age you still insist on the permanency of a real tattoo no harm was done by a temporary permanent situation where you always had the option to change your mind and still be able to act on that decision. Beats going to jail just for a tattoo.
Steve Byrne at Rock of Ages Tattoo in Austin
You can only get a tattoo under the age of 18 if you have proof of parental consent.
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The age to get a tattoo in Arkansas is 18. It does allow a minor to get a tattoo with parental permission. There does not appear to be any lower limitation on the age. And the form of permission is not specified.
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It is illegal for a tattoo parlor to mark a minor. They can be fined and charged for give someone under the age of 18 a tattoo.
No, in Texas tattooing is prohibited for individuals under the age of 18, even with parental consent.
No, the legal age to get a tattoo is 18 in any state, with or without parental consent.
No, you have to be at least 16 with parental consent..... but you can go to other states such as Texas and they will allow you to get a tattoo at 14 with parental consent.
For the most part, as long as you're 18 years of age you can get a tattoo in the US.In Texas, the legal age is 18.....Allowed only if it is to cover an obscene or offensive tattoo.Even then, either notarized written consent must be provided by the parent/guardian OR the tattoo must be applied in the presence of the parent or guardian.
There is no federal law stating a required age to be tattooed, however at 15 you have to have a parents written consent.
there is not a legal age to get a tattoo but need parental consent if you are a minor
If you are 15, living in Texas and you want a tattoo, you will need to provide proof of parental consent before anybody will give you a tattoo.
Steve Byrne at Rock of Ages Tattoo in Austin
The legal age to get a tattoo in Vermont is 18 years old. Any person under the age of 18 must have written consent from a parent or guardian in order to get a tattoo.