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The age of a horse when it becomes sexually mature differs. Young stallions will sometimes mount mares before they're 2 years old. Others will not show interest until they are years older. It's a good idea not to keep a young stallion in a paddock with mares under the assumption that he is too young to mate. Many, many babies are a result of that poor assumption.

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17y ago
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17y ago

A horse can mature in size normally at the age of 3-4 years old but can take longer depending on breed and previous nutrition. A horse can mature mentally anywhere from age 2 to age 6 it depends on the environment and training and the horse itself. A mare matures sexually at about 3 years old, but its bad practice to breed before age 4- pregnancy can be damaging to a young horses body and maturity as well as being very stressful both physically and mentally resulting in miscarriage, early foaling and bad parenting. A stallion can mature as early as two years old (depends on the dropping of testicles). A colt can exibit "studly" behaviour at age 2 but not be physically mature to produce offspring. Typically 3yrs is mature sexually for a stallion.

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14y ago

horses are mature enough to be broke to ride at the age of 2 or 3. A horse is considered " Full Grown" at age 4. That is when it becomes a Mare ( female ) or Stallion or Gelding. ( male ). So i would consider a horse mature at about 2 - 4 years of age!

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15y ago

A filly becomes a mare at the age of four

Actually a filly becomes a mare on her 5th birthday OR when she is bred.

No a filly is a mare at 4 years old. xxx

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15y ago

A horse can officially go to a stallion when it is 3 years old - the standard maturing age. However, most studs only breed a mare over 4 years. Hopefully by this time the mare will have proved herself to be a good broodmare and is sound under the saddle.

Hope this information has helped you. ellie231 (: [I breed Shetland ponies]

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13y ago

Two and a half years old is the age requirement to start breeding on howrse. its advisable to improve your howrse's skills first so your foal has better inborn skills.

2 1/2 years

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Q: What age can a horse have get pregnant?
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What age does a horse get pregnant at?

i believe it has to be 24 months

Can you make your horse turn 4 when she's pregnant on Howrse?

You can age your mare when she is pregnant, but be careful not to age her past her foaling date, because you will lose a Karma, and the foal.

If I age my horse while she's pregnant will it speed the gestation on howrse?

Yes. If the horse is 6 months into her gestation period and you age her with an aging point, she will be 8 months into her gestation period.

Can a mare horse get pregnant?

Yes. A "mare" is the term used for a female horse (equine) of or over the age of 3 or 4 years old.

What is the age when a horse cannot get pregnant?

A horse typically cannot get pregnant before it's first year, most fillies and mares can continue to breed their entire lives if allowed to do so. Some will however go into a form of equine menopause around age 20 or so and the likely hood of them becoming pregnant decreases.

What is male gender of horse?

Colt is a male 1 year and younger, Stallion is a male who can breed and Gelding is a male that has had surgery so he can't breed

Does a horse bite if she is pregnant?

the answer is yes, a horse does bite if she i pregnant, but all horses bight, it doesn't matter if she is pregnant or not, trust me on that, i have had my share of horse bites.

How old does your horse have to be to get an ulstrasound on horwse?

Your horse doesn't have to be a specific age. Your horse has to be eight months pregnant, I believe, in order for you to find out the gender of the foal and a general idea of what it's going to look like.

Does a pregnant horse continue to horse?

No usually, once animals are pregnant they will no longer have a cycle.

What is the best price to sell a pregnant horse at?

right now they sell really fast between 5,000 to 8,000 -it depends on the age

How many weeks is a horse pregnant for?

A horse is pregnant for approximately 11 months, or about 340 days. This is equivalent to around 42 weeks of pregnancy.

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Signs of a pregnant horse's udders developing include swelling, firmness, and increased size. To differentiate between a pregnant horse's udders and those of a non-pregnant horse, look for consistent growth and changes in the udders over time, as well as the presence of milk or colostrum closer to the due date. Consulting a veterinarian for confirmation is recommended.