road conditions, such as surface material, (rock, gravel, asphalt, cement), weather conditions, (temperature, wet conditions, dry conditions), tire conditions, (tread design, tread depth), tire inflation, tire composition, (softness of rubber) vehicle weight and speed, tire movement other than rotation, (straight line or turning). and probably a dozen other things..
when road conditions are bad, slow down your vehicle
Split traction occurs when you are turning and breaking at the same time. Some traction is needed to turn while some is needed to slow down or speed up. Therefore the traction is split between two tasks.
It affects it by killing people.
whenever tires loose traction enough they will make a squeal
Intentionally oversteers, causing lost traction in the rear wheels in turns while keeping vehicle control.
Intentionally oversteers, causing lost traction in the rear wheels in turns while keeping vehicle control.
No, it does not
Your traction control is probably off. There is probably a button for it. It blinks to warn you that you have the traction control option off. It may also mean there is a problem with the system.
my car after driving for 15 min traction light flashs
Depending how the car is driven determines is the car uses more gas. If the brakes are applied while driving faster in the rain, the traction control would kick in and use more gas.
Intentionally oversteers, causing lost traction in the rear wheels in turns while keeping vehicle control.
Normally the (Electronic Traction Control) ETS light is on when the ETS is turned off. Make sure the ETS is on and not off when driving at all times winter or summer.