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Q: What a girl should know before marrying a man?
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If you want to go out with a girl you should always try and get to know her better before you ask her out.

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You need to trust that she would tell you the truth about this delicate matter, if you cannot trust her you should not be marrying her.

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you should try talking to her and maybe she will tell you if she does or not. you should tell her how you feel about her because i am a girl Your next step depends upon where you are at right now. If you are friends with this girl or dating this girl, you should tell her how you feel. If you barely know this girl and have never hung out with her before, you should get to know her, ask her to go on a date with you, or establish some sort of relationship with her before telling her how you feel. If you are sincere and always treat her with respect, she will probably realize what a great thing she´s found in you.

Does a Muslim man needs to ask his wife to marry another girl?

Yes, she should know and agree otherwise either he abandons the choice of marrying the girl or she uses her right to seek divorce. Answer: Scholars have differed on this question. Of course, it is better. The man must maintain the right of his wife at all times. that means that he should be fair - and honest. Sometimes a woman will ask her fiance, before marriage that it, to not marry a second in the future.

Before marrying what activity should you do with your fiancee to make sure you really know them?

Family Feud 1) Intimacy 2) Live together 3) Marriage Counselling 4) Take a Vacation

What should a woman know before marrying a man?

Seven things a woman needs to know before marrying a man: See how he handles himself when he is angry; notice if he is ogling other women if you are with him; he should be respectful of you; kind; loving; likes children; is a hard worker (he doesn't have to make huge amounts of money); gets along with your family and friends and encourages you in an endeavor you partake in and you should be the same towards him.

Should you get to know more girls before asking one out?

Im a girl and i personally think that u should check out some other girls and compare them see wot type of girl u like then make ur choice but before u ask a girl out try to get to know her as a friend first hope i helped xx :-)

How old should a girl be before she wears rouge on her cheeks?

Is this girl a performer, or is she simply a girl trying on some new makeup? There isn't any real 'should,' except maybe that she should be old enough to know not to eat the powder on her cheeks.

You are a girl and you love this other girl you went out before and people found out and it caused trouble you love her again now but you dont know if she feels the same what should you do?

I think you should tell this person how you feel and if they still have feelings for you they will let you know.

When you know your boyfriend is cheating on you with girl you know what should you do?

You should tell the other girl and both break up with your boyfriend.

How long should you know a girl?

Youu should at leat know her for atleast 2 months ;

How long should you know a girl before you ask her out?

It would be best to wait until she starts showing that she really really likes you