Many of the rifles are valued at a price close to $300 each. If the rifle is in perfect condition and you have the papers, you may get as much as $700 for it.
it looks like in the blue book that the mod.# is nylon 66
If it is the brown color then around $175.
There is a video on how to assemble and disassemble a nylon 66 on
Purple wasn't a Remington color.
The Nylon 66 is a rifle that was made by Remington from 1959 to 1989. The brown and chrome model was Nylon 66MB and over 700,000 were produced.
1959 to 1989
Go to Remington's web site. They have a list of repair centers.
what is a Remington 22 nylon66 long rifle worth
Check the service and parts link on the Remington Society of America here:
The last year of production for the Remington model nylon model 66 was 1990.These rifles were made from 1959-1990 with a total production of 1,050,336.