what should the compression be on a 2007 ezgo golf cart
add 30" to the wheelbase and you should be close
scroll down on this website, should be everything you need....... http://www.buggiesgonewild.com/electric-ezgo/1536-basic-ezgo-electric-golf-cart-wiring-manuals.html
is there any fuses and where are they located on an ezgo electric golf cart. 90s model
has a full charge won't go forward or reverse
I'd just trace the wires from the alarm itself and disconnect them
As soon as lube runs out of the fill hole, it is full.
Most likely the ignition switch is shorted placing it in an on position at all times.
Transmission Problem Battery Problem Ignition Problem
No, you cannot use three 12 volt batteries to replace 6 volt batteries in an EZGO golf cart. The golf cart's electrical system is designed to operate on a specific voltage, either 36 or 48 volts. Using three 12 volt batteries would not provide the correct voltage and could potentially damage the cart's components. It's best to use the recommended voltage of batteries for your specific model of golf cart.
This set up will not work due to the lack of the electrical ignitor to handle the engines RPM's