Well, small children believe in Santa, and they love Santa. They like to write letters to him because they appreciate him 'delivering' the gifts. Most of the older kids, (like me) do not write letters only because they do not believe.
if you love santa and believe he gives gift to you
Traditionally, Santa Clause gives gifts of toys, fruit and/or nuts to good children, while naughty ones get lumps of coal.
In Paris Santa Clause is a tall skinny man who gives presents to the good and bad kids.
The things good kids get would be Chewing Gum and electronics. Well all the good stuff really! If your good then you can pretty much get what ever you want!
Santa gives them to everyone!
Quite big, indeed, very chubby. He is believed to be Turkey that gives presents to good kids on Christmas.
he has c4 all over him with a Hitler stash and he gives bombs to little kids that are good
on the night of Christmas eve
Santa claws does not have a religion he is just a character to make kids good
Typically, he gives coal to kids who have been bad. Coal is good for staying warm, but it is just useful, not a toy. You have to be pretty bad to just get coal though. Santa is usually nice to people who have been a little bad but are trying to be good.
Typically, he gives coal to kids who have been bad. Coal is good for staying warm, but it is just useful, not a toy. You have to be pretty bad to just get coal though. Santa is usually nice to people who have been a little bad but are trying to be good.
Santa usually gives gifts to good children on the Christmas Eve.