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Q: What Refers to standards of moral behavior?
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What is the abstract noun of conduct?

The abstract noun of "conduct" is "conductivity," which refers to the quality or state of behavior in terms of moral or ethical standards.

What is the prefix moral?

im is a prefix for moral

What refers to standard moral behavior?


What is the word for accuse someone and then do it yourself?

The word you are looking for is "hypocrisy." It refers to the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform.

What are moral and non moral standards?

Moral standard is concerned with behavior that is of serous consequence to human welfare

What word means lacking moral restraint and is very wicked?

The word that means lacking moral restraint and being very wicked is "depraved." It refers to having a corrupt or immoral character with no regard for accepted standards of behavior.

An antonym of virtue is?

Vice. It refers to behavior or habits that are considered immoral or wicked, opposite of virtue which represents high moral standards and goodness.

What is moral in- inturpitude?

Moral turpitude refers to behavior that is considered contrary to community standards of justice, honesty, or good morals. Crimes involving dishonesty, fraud, or violence are commonly associated with moral turpitude, and such convictions can have serious consequences for immigration status, professional licensing, and employment opportunities.

What does moralistic mean?

"Moralistic" refers to an attitude or behavior that is overly focused on enforcing moral rules or codes of conduct. It often involves judging others based on these moral standards and may come across as self-righteous or judgmental.

What does morale spell when you drop the e to make a word meaning honorable?

The word "morale" becomes the adjective "moral" meaning virtuous or honorable. The word "morals" refers to principles or standards of behavior.

Defention of virtue?

The official definition of the word virtue is "behavior showing high moral standards."

What does moral conduct mean?

Moral conduct refers to behavior and actions that are consistent with ethical principles, values, and beliefs. It involves making choices that are considered right or good based on standards of right and wrong.